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Claim £10 OFF a Cut & Blowdry

8a6a9757 2aca 4a11 80ac edb95340aad3A Special Introductory gift for you. We have 15 Coupons for November - Claim yours today!

Our Salon Manager Amanda has an introductory offer forNovember - get your £10 Off Coupon right now

Simply fill your name, email and contact number to receive £10 off a cut and blow dry Coupon with our new Salon Manager

Once you have claimed your coupon you will receive an email with the details to bring the coupon in to the salon and we will call you to book an appointment that's convenient for you.

PLUS an added BONUS

The first 15 people to claim will receive our BONUS BOOK absolutely FREE with lots of savings including £15 OFF a Colour Service

Enjoy x



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